Another busy year has passed and time to put fingers to keyboard to update all who have been so generous in supporting the orphans and by so doing enabling them to continue with their vital education. I apologise that the report is early this year, but have several events arranged in November and so muct complete and send it off in a timely manner!
The number of children in full time education remains at 45. After discussion with Sandra and Mike it was decided imprudent to increase this number because of the difficulties with the finances within Zimbabwe and also because the ratio of the pound to the dollar fluctuation after Brexit. These uncertainties have seen an increase in the money needed each term. Eight pupils are due to sit O'Levels this year and these too need extra payment.
The situation in Zimbabwe remains dire. Mike as a senator in the opposition MDC keeps me abreast of the continuing plight of many Zimbabweans living in severe poverty. ZANE continues to give tremendous support to the needy and helps the orphans by ensuring the school fees and Gift Aid get to Mike and Sandra on time to provide continuity of education for children on the programme. Once again I owe them sincere gratitude as without them it would be difficult for the Pelandaba Charity to operate. Mike, Judy and Sandra work tirelessly within the country to give relief to those in need. Thank you all for your support. The supporters in this country, The Zoe Carss Education Foundation, Mr. Hayes the Dr.s" pollock and other annual subscribers who help with donations or events are also due a huge thank you because this wouldn't be possible without their help.
There have bee a variety of events around the country this year, trying to ensure that the same people are not asked for donations each year. The Event Reports on the website deal with these in greater detail. Working in schools and giving everyone something out of the events is still an important part of the policy to which the charity adheres.
Lucinda Macdonald, Lairfad. October 2017