On Sunday 8th September Brian Horsburgh, who has supported Pelandaba for many years, set off to do his second Pedal for Scotland in aid of school fees for the Zimbabwean orphans. He cycled about 48 miles around Glasgow and raised an amazing £1341.82 on his Just Giving Page and a further £100 donation paid into the Pelandaba Orphans Account in Lochgilphead making a grand total of £1441.82. Thank you Brian, it has made a huge difference to the fundraising for school fees this year. Nothing is easy in Zimbabwe at the moment and the biggest chance the orphans will have of pulling out of poverty is education. We have 41 pupils on the programme at the moment and with food shortages, we are also now supplying to the schools that have our children as pupils, bread and peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Mike Carter buys the supplies from Botswana to ensure that children are not trying to concentrate on an empty stomach! Thank you to all who supported Brian and to ZANE who ensures the funds are safely sent to Mike to pay the fees.