Another busy year with many events in Zimbabwe that everyone was hopeful would bring about change, but
sadly no progress seems to be occurring and conditions for the people of Zimbabwe are worsening if anything, with corruption still the underlying cause for the poverty, lack of fuel and food for the majority.
I was unable to visit the orphans this year as when I was in South Africa early in the year, it was to move my Aunt from the farm into sheltered housing and there was no time to visit the orphans. However, Judy and Mike were over in the UK in May to speak at a ZANE Conference and visited us in Scotland and updated on the orphans and the situation on the ground. They were optimistic that at last there was a possibility for change, but very aware that the old guard was still in power and that the likelyhood of fair elections was remote. There was hope, rather than belief. The situation, if anything is worse. Shortages of food, fuel and currency are a major concern for most Zimbabweans and there has been no improvement in the daily lives of the majority.
Several Events have been held over the year to raise funds to keep the children in school. The Charity depends very heavily on regular suscribers, many of whom have requested anonimity. However, they deserve to all be thanked personally for their contributions as events alone could not sustain the pupils in school. Eight pupils wrote O'Level last year and those who left to seek employment have been replaced. There are now 46 orphans in the programme. Another eight are doing O'Level this year and decisions have not been made as yet to whether they will continue education or find work. There is massive unemployment and so they face many challenges. Mike and Judy continue to be involved with Sandra Gumede to ensure all the money goes where it should and ZANE continues to be to supportive allowing school fees to be paid through their secure system to Mike and Sandra to pay the schools. Gift Aid is also still claimed by them on our behalf and it covers extras e.g. exam fees, epilepsy medicine, christmas gifts for the children and costs to Thembie for her pupil profiles which make it all more personal. To these dedicated people, many thanks as we could not function without your support! A special mention to the East Anglian Soroptomists this year who have undertaken to make Pelandaba their joint project for 2018. Many events have been held by the clubs in the area and their support has been a huge bonus. Local Schools in Argyll and communities around Scotland are very supportive of events held and contribute generously. The policy of giving to receive still is the main aim of events. The pupils in the schools who run projects for the orphans keep charges to a minimum so that no one is excluded from joining in! We are well on target for 2019 thanks to you all!
Lucinda Macdonald, Lairfad. October 2018